Results for "post facebook vba"

5 results for this search

its relate to maintain page for latest update with clients.

I also try codecentrix free VBA utility but not find solution about post. Following is recorded tools

'Add Open Twebst Type Library in Tools/References menu of the VBA editor.

Sub OpenTwebstMacro()
    Dim core As ICore
    Set core = New OpenTwebstLib.core

    Dim browser As IBrowser
    Set browser = core.StartBrowser("")

    Call browser.FindElement("input text", "id=email").InputText("")
    Call browser.FindElement("input password", "id=pass").InputText("password")
    Call browser.FindElement("button", "id=loginbutton").Click
    Call browser.FindElement("div", "class=_1mf _1mj").Click
        Call browser.FindElement("button", "uiname=Post").Click

End Sub

Any further help highly appreciated and its also will help who's are facing problem on multiple post through manual way.

What's the aim? I don't think anyone on this forum wants to help you making a spam bot. And to be honest I'm convinced it's what you're looking for.


i will care about sms language.

Sir, there is any way of solution to post through VBA in Facebook?

Yvouille a écrit :

Yes, why not

how it done i mentioned login vba but dont know how to post in fb via vba

Yes, why not

Sub fb_post()

    With CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
        .Visible = True
        Do While .Busy And Not .ReadyState = 4
        .Document.All.Item("email").Value = "xyz"
        .Document.All.Item("pass").Value = "123"
    End With
End Sub  



Hi ! Lisa Nguyen,

Here, your Excel File is back, with automatic conversion.

If you agree, you can display the corresponding color with your VBA Module3. Sub RGB_TO_HEX_COLOR()

See my Note in Sheet1.


You need to enter your VBA code here (for example, the sample code):


Then, list the names to be replaced below:


And you will then get the obfuscated code:


Breaking News,

Excel File Version2 is coming Now.

Best Regards.


OK. ill try it now!




None of them works. At this point it simply dont return any Code

Thanks a lot



Effectively this option returns an error 404.

Did you try using the link -->


Edit : EN version is available here -->
Please note that correction by forum Adminstration is on process.

If this solves your problem, think to

Hi to all

the VBA Obfuscator on this site doesn't work even with the code it makes a example of.

What am i oding wrong?

Is this thing working?

thanks a lot


Wow really thanks for what you did! I saw the message you left on the excel file!

I will now try to analyze and understand what you have written in the code.

Thank you again and if you manage to switch from RGB to HEX it would be amazing !


For my internship, I have to create an excel macro to convert a color value in hexa code to rgb and vice versa.

I have already done a lot of research on google and in general I find excel formulas (use of boxes in the formulas to convert) instead of a VBA code. In addition, it takes usually 2 tables, one from hex to rgb and another from rgb to hex.

But I'm looking for an automatic conversion, that is to say to make a modification of the hex value, the rgb value is updated and vice versa, all in the same table.

All these data are organized by columns and you need a third one to display the corresponding color.

For the moment I have fulfilled my specifications but it is not optimal, I have indeed two tables. I call for your help today to help me to optimize my code.

Tell me if it's not clear haha, I did the best I could. I put in attachment the excel file as is.

Thanks in advance !

11book4-3.xlsm (49.37 KB)


Quite difficult to guess what might be going wrong within your code ... without seeing it ...

From your description ... it does look much more as a Word VBA issue ... and not so much an Excel one ...

Among the possible solutions, you should have a look at following link ...

Hope this will help

I'm trying to create new macro that allows me to add a toolbar in a word file containing buttons to do specific action , I tested it and it works fine but I try to use button this message Pop up and prevent me to do anything I donno why and I tested every solution in Google please I need some help to carry on to better understand My problem I posted this question also in stackoverflow

thanks again


Avoid using "row" because it is a reserved word by VBA

uses LRow


Dim LR As Long, i As Long, Filename As String, OldName As String, NewName As String, DIRECTORY As String, REF As String

  DIRECTORY = "\\\elenalouroutziati_document\B R E A K D O W N S\BREAKDOWNS 2016\"

  With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RECAP")

    LR = .Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByLRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).LRow

    On Error Resume Next

    REF = .Range("C" & LRow).Value

    OldName = "CALC(P) - " & REF & " - " & .Range("L" & LRow).Value & " - " & .Range("M" & LRow).Value & " + " & "CALC(S) - " & .Range("W" & LRow).Value & " - " & .Range("X" & LRow).Value & " - " & .Range("F" & LRow).Value & ".xlsm"
    Filename = Dir(DIRECTORY & OldName)

    If Filename <> "" Then

      NewName = "CALC(P) - " & REF & " - " & .Range("L" & LRow).Value & " - " & .Range("M" & LRow).Value & " + " & "CALC(S) - " & .Range("W" & LRow).Value & " - " & .Range("X" & LRow).Value & " - " & .Range("F" & LRow).Value & " - " & Format(.Range("AI" & LRow).Value, "dd-mm-yy") & ".xlsm"

      Name DIRECTORY & Filename As DIRECTORY & NewName
    End If

    On Error GoTo 0
  End With
End Sub