Expression.error the column of the table wasn't found Excel

Hello Everyone or Anyone.

Can You help me out with something.

I am trying to refresh my data links.

But I am getting an error that says: "expression.error the column of the table wasn't found"

How can I fix this?

Please if you are welling, please view.

Thanks in advance....

86anton-heatwave.xlsm (145.41 KB)


What is the object of the "Added prefix" steps?



What is the object of the "Added prefix" steps?


Is to change the "Reference" column to "DATE" format


I reviewed the PMI request.

Is this the expected result?

83anton-heatwave.xlsm (140.09 KB)
annotation 2020 03 09 085612

I see. The website site have updated it column to "Reference". Before it was "Blank" no wording under the column. Thanks again. Greatly appreciated.

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