Worksheet & Workbook recognition error


I hope you are well.

Please, I've been having problems for a while with my VBA compiler. It no longer recognizes the Worksheet and workbook objects and returns an Error as you can see in the photo below.

excel vba error9of workbook

I tried to debug but can't since.

excel vba error9of workbook debugtesting

I read a comment about resetting VBA settings in Excel(Rétablir Interface VBA par défaut ( but it seems I didn't do it right, since the problem hasn't been solved.

I need your help please.

Hi Giaco1234 and Welcome on Excel-Pratique

For your concern, you can try

With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test")
  .Range("B1") = .Range("A1")
End With

Thank you BrunoM455 for your prompt feedback.

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