Pb Argument non facultatif

Bonjour à tous,

J'ai un souci dans mon programme qui à l'exécution de celui-ci mon dit : Argument non facultatif.

Le but du programme est de classé des noms de clients par groupe en fonction de certains attributs.

Voici le code :

Sub Bouton2_Cliquer()

Dim PPM As Long, NB_FNC As Integer, QSC As Double, CA As Long
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim DernLigne As Long

    With Worksheets("Feuil1")

        For i = 2 To 138

                PPM = .Cells(i, "S")
                NB_FNC = .Cells(i, "T")
                QSC = .Cells(i, "U")
                CA = .Cells(i, "V")

                'Groupe 8
                If NB_FNC = 1 And PPM < 20000 And QSC > 0.85 Then

                    .Cells(i, "BN") = .Cells(i, "O")
                    .Cells(i, "BN").Interior.Color = RGB(0 / 176 / 80)
                    .Cells(i, "BO") = .Cells(i, "S")
                    .Cells(i, "BO").Interior.Color = RGB(0 / 176 / 80)
                    .Cells(i, "BP") = .Cells(i, "T")
                    .Cells(i, "BP").Interior.Color = RGB(0 / 176 / 80)
                    .Cells(i, "BQ") = .Cells(i, "U")
                    .Cells(i, "BQ").Interior.Color = RGB(0 / 176 / 80)
                    .Cells(i, "BR") = .Cells(i, "V")
                    .Cells(i, "BR").Interior.Color = RGB(0 / 176 / 80)

                'Groupe 7
                ElseIf NB_FNC = 1 And PPM < 20000 And QSC < 0.85 Then

                    .Cells(i, "BH") = .Cells(i, "O")
                    .Cells(i, "BH").Interior.Color = RGB(196 / 215 / 155)
                    .Cells(i, "BI") = .Cells(i, "S")
                    .Cells(i, "BI").Interior.Color = RGB(196 / 215 / 155)
                    .Cells(i, "BJ") = .Cells(i, "T")
                    .Cells(i, "BJ").Interior.Color = RGB(196 / 215 / 155)
                    .Cells(i, "BK") = .Cells(i, "U")
                    .Cells(i, "BK").Interior.Color = RGB(196 / 215 / 155)
                    .Cells(i, "BL") = .Cells(i, "V")
                    .Cells(i, "BL").Interior.Color = RGB(196 / 215 / 155)

                'Groupe 6
                ElseIf NB_FNC = 1 And PPM > 20000 And QSC > 0.85 Then

                    .Cells(i, "BB") = .Cells(i, "O")
                    .Cells(i, "BB").Interior.Color = RGB(216 / 228 / 188)
                    .Cells(i, "BC") = .Cells(i, "S")
                    .Cells(i, "BC").Interior.Color = RGB(216 / 228 / 188)
                    .Cells(i, "BD") = .Cells(i, "T")
                    .Cells(i, "BD").Interior.Color = RGB(216 / 228 / 188)
                    .Cells(i, "BE") = .Cells(i, "U")
                    .Cells(i, "BE").Interior.Color = RGB(216 / 228 / 188)
                    .Cells(i, "BF") = .Cells(i, "V")
                    .Cells(i, "BF").Interior.Color = RGB(216 / 228 / 188)

                'Groupe 5
                ElseIf NB_FNC = 1 And PPM > 20000 And QSC < 0.85 Then

                    .Cells(i, "AV") = .Cells(i, "O")
                    .Cells(i, "AV").Interior.Color = RGB(235 / 241 / 222)
                    .Cells(i, "AW") = .Cells(i, "S")
                    .Cells(i, "AW").Interior.Color = RGB(235 / 241 / 222)
                    .Cells(i, "AX") = .Cells(i, "T")
                    .Cells(i, "AX").Interior.Color = RGB(235 / 241 / 222)
                    .Cells(i, "AY") = .Cells(i, "U")
                    .Cells(i, "AY").Interior.Color = RGB(235 / 241 / 222)
                    .Cells(i, "AZ") = .Cells(i, "V")
                    .Cells(i, "AZ").Interior.Color = RGB(235 / 241 / 222)

                'Groupe 4
                ElseIf NB_FNC > 2 And PPM < 20000 And QSC > 0.85 Then

                    .Cells(i, "AP") = .Cells(i, "O")
                    .Cells(i, "AP").Interior.Color = RGB(255 / 255 / 0)
                    .Cells(i, "AQ") = .Cells(i, "S")
                    .Cells(i, "AQ").Interior.Color = RGB(255 / 255 / 0)
                    .Cells(i, "AR") = .Cells(i, "T")
                    .Cells(i, "AR").Interior.Color = RGB(255 / 255 / 0)
                    .Cells(i, "AS") = .Cells(i, "U")
                    .Cells(i, "AS").Interior.Color = RGB(255 / 255 / 0)
                    .Cells(i, "AT") = .Cells(i, "V")
                    .Cells(i, "AT").Interior.Color = RGB(255 / 255 / 0)

                'Groupe 3
                ElseIf NB_FNC > 2 And PPM < 20000 And QSC < 0.85 Then

                    .Cells(i, "AJ") = .Cells(i, "O")
                    .Cells(i, "AJ").Interior.Color = RGB(252 / 213 / 180)
                    .Cells(i, "AK") = .Cells(i, "S")
                    .Cells(i, "AK").Interior.Color = RGB(252 / 213 / 180)
                    .Cells(i, "AL") = .Cells(i, "T")
                    .Cells(i, "AL").Interior.Color = RGB(252 / 213 / 180)
                    .Cells(i, "AM") = .Cells(i, "U")
                    .Cells(i, "AM").Interior.Color = RGB(252 / 213 / 180)
                    .Cells(i, "AN") = .Cells(i, "V")
                    .Cells(i, "AN").Interior.Color = RGB(252 / 213 / 180)

                'Groupe 2
                ElseIf NB_FNC > 2 And PPM > 20000 And QSC > 0.85 Then

                    .Cells(i, "AD") = .Cells(i, "O")
                    .Cells(i, "AD").Interior.Color = RGB(250 / 191 / 143)
                    .Cells(i, "AE") = .Cells(i, "S")
                    .Cells(i, "AE").Interior.Color = RGB(250 / 191 / 143)
                    .Cells(i, "AF") = .Cells(i, "T")
                    .Cells(i, "AF").Interior.Color = RGB(250 / 191 / 143)
                    .Cells(i, "AG") = .Cells(i, "U")
                    .Cells(i, "AG").Interior.Color = RGB(250 / 191 / 143)
                    .Cells(i, "AH") = .Cells(i, "V")
                    .Cells(i, "AH").Interior.Color = RGB(250 / 191 / 143)

                'Groupe 1
                ElseIf NB_FNC > 2 And PPM > 20000 And QSC < 0.85 Then

                    .Cells(i, "X") = .Cells(i, "O")
                    .Cells(i, "X").Interior.Color = RGB(255 / 0 / 0)
                    .Cells(i, "Y") = .Cells(i, "S")
                    .Cells(i, "Y").Interior.Color = RGB(255 / 0 / 0)
                    .Cells(i, "Z") = .Cells(i, "T")
                    .Cells(i, "Z").Interior.Color = RGB(255 / 0 / 0)
                    .Cells(i, "AA") = .Cells(i, "U")
                    .Cells(i, "AA").Interior.Color = RGB(255 / 0 / 0)
                    .Cells(i, "AB") = .Cells(i, "V")
                    .Cells(i, "AB").Interior.Color = RGB(255 / 0 / 0)

                End If

        Next i

    End With

End Sub

Pour les plus téméraires. J'aimerais ensuite afficher ce classement des clients sur 3 colonnes dans la Feuil2, de la ligne 2 à la ligne 44 pour que ca tienne sur une seule page.

En espérant que vous pourrez me venir en aide,

Bonne journée,


Pourquoi mets tu des slash pour tes rgb?

Rgb(255/1/1) tu ne donnes qu'un seul argument, le rouge. En effet tu fais deux divisions successives..

Il faut les remplacer par des virgules rgb(255,1,1)


A tester...


'Groupe 8
            If NB_FNC = 1 And PPM < 20000 And QSC > 0.85 Then
                With .Range("BN" & i & ":BR" & i)
                    .Value = .Range("O" & i & ":V" & i)
                    .Interior.Color = RGB(0, 176, 80)
                End With

Bonjour à tous les 2,

Merci pour la fulgurance et la pertinence de vos réponses !

Tout marche du tonnerre !

Bonne journée et bonnes vacances à vous,


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