Please need to create a chart in pivot dashboard


Please need help to create pivot chart with the senario below :

Total logins for week : 175

Ideal logged in time : 629 * 9 = 1575

users logging in less than 9 hours : 8 & total of productive logged in hours : 70,12 whereas it should have been 72(8*9) and it is less than 72– 70,12= 1,88 Mins short

Agents logging in more than 9 hours : 167 & total productive logged in hours : 1614,17, whereas it should have been 167*9hours = 1503hours. So here we have excess login of 1614,17-1503= 111,17 hours.

Net impact = 111,17(excess hours) – 1,88 (shortage hours) = approx. 109,29 hours which they worked more.

I'll also need to account for break timings into this to get correct picture.

Thanks in advance

29test-chart.xlsx (16.41 KB)
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