Intégration % lors d'un update

bonjour à tous,

dans ma base j'ai un onglet comportant des données et au sein d'une colonne des %

j'ai un formulaire permettant la visualisation des données mais désormais je mets en place le système d'update

dans mon form il apparait X% Achieved

aussi lors du systeme d'update je fais un simple

Replace(Del3_Achievements, "% Achieved", "")

pour ne garder que le nombre

seulement voila quand je l'intègre dans ma base c'est bien le chiffre qui apparaît mais est enregistré tel quel par excel sans le mettre en %

si je demande en vba à formater cela en % et que je tape 2 c'est alors 200% qui s'applique..

comment faire comprendre à excel que le chiffre indiqué doit être mis en pourcentage

dans ma base si je tape 2 dans la cellule ca rend bien 2%...

une idée svp?


Bonjour Darkangel,

Pour Excel si tu inscris un chiffre ou nombre entier dans une cellule et que tu formates celui-ci après en %.

Il sera x 100. Donc 2, au départ sera au format standard puis ressortira à 200% lorsque le format passera en %.

Mais si tu reviens sur cette cellule et que tu retapes 2. Il affichera 2% car la cellule a été auparavant formatée en %.

Ce qui explique ton cas puisque ta colonne est déjà formatée en %.

Note qu'il est possible en VBA de "forcer" un Range en %. Exemple: Range("A1").NumberFormat = "0.0%"

Bonne continuation.

merci mais quand je teste et que j'ajoute apres l'update la ligne

Cells(Match, 11) correspondant à la cellule en question!

Cells(Match, 11).NumberFormat = "0.0%"

cela ne change rien

en gros je tape 2 ca mets 2 mais pas en % et on excel me dit de le convertir en nombre

et si je met 2% et bien ca fait bien 2% mais toujours à convertir en nombre...

je tourne en rond avec ce truc...

A nouveau,

Sans un minimum de fichier, il est moins facile de proposer une solution.

C'est ton formulaire qui manque pour voir le souci.

la macro concernée dans son ensemble

je fais le test sur le deliverable 3 en bas de code

en premiere partie tu as la récupération

avec la ligne concernant mon soucis plus loin

   Achievements = Format(ici.Offset(0, 9), "0%") & " Achieved"

le case concerné est dans mon cas de test le 3

plus loin il y aura la macro d'insertion et de suppression fonctionnant nickel

mais le soucis est désormais lié à l'update

Private Sub Update_Del3_Click()


'                   DELIVERABLES DU PROJET

Private Sub Deliverables()

 For i = 1 To 20
    With Sheets("Deliverables")
        ok = False
        Set ici = .Range("B:B").Find(Acronym, LookIn:=xlValues)
        If Not ici Is Nothing Then
            prem = ici.Address
                If ici.Offset(0, -1) = (ProjectId & "_" & i) Then ok = True
                If Not ok Then Set ici = .Range("B:B").FindNext(ici)
            Loop While Not ici Is Nothing And ici.Address <> prem And Not ok
        End If
        If ok Then
             Del_Nr = ici.Offset(0, 2)
            Del_Name = ici.Offset(0, 3)
            Del_PI = ici.Offset(0, 4)
            Del_Start_month = "M " & ici.Offset(0, 5)
            Del_Start_date = ici.Offset(0, 6)
            Del_End_month = "M " & ici.Offset(0, 7)
            Del_End_date = ici.Offset(0, 8)
            Achievements = Format(ici.Offset(0, 9), "0%") & " Achieved"
            Status = ici.Offset(0, 12)

            Del_Nr = ""
            Del_Name = ""
            Del_PI = ""
            Del_Start_month = ""
            Del_Start_date = ""
            Del_End_month = ""
            Del_End_date = ""
            Achievements = ""
            Status = ""

        End If
    End With

    Select Case i
        Case 1
             Del1_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del1_Name = Del_Name
            Del1_PI = Del_PI
            Del1_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del1_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del1_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del1_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del1_Achievements = Achievements
            Del1_Status = Status

                If Del1_Nr = "" Then

    Del1_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del1_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del1_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del1_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del1_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del1_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del1_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del1_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del1_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del1_Nr.Visible = False
    Del1_Name.Visible = False
    Del1_PI.Visible = False
    Del1_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del1_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del1_End_month.Visible = False
    Del1_End_date.Visible = False
    Del1_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del1_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del1.Visible = False
    Update_Del1.Visible = False
      End If

         Case 2

            Del2_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del2_Name = Del_Name
            Del2_PI = Del_PI
            Del2_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del2_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del2_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del2_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del2_Achievements = Achievements
            Del2_Status = Status

              If Del2_Nr = "" Then

    Del2_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del2_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del2_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del2_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del2_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del2_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del2_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del2_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del2_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del2_Nr.Visible = False
    Del2_Name.Visible = False
    Del2_PI.Visible = False
    Del2_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del2_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del2_End_month.Visible = False
    Del2_End_date.Visible = False
    Del2_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del2_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del2.Visible = False
    Update_Del2.Visible = False
      End If

        Case 3

            Del3_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del3_Name = Del_Name
            Del3_PI = Del_PI
            Del3_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del3_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del3_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del3_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del3_Achievements = Achievements
            Del3_Status = Status

              If Del3_Nr = "" Then

    Del3_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del3_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del3_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del3_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del3_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del3_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del3_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del3_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del3_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del3_Nr.Visible = False
    Del3_Name.Visible = False
    Del3_PI.Visible = False
    Del3_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del3_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del3_End_month.Visible = False
    Del3_End_date.Visible = False
    Del3_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del3_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del3.Visible = False
    Update_Del3.Visible = False
      End If

        Case 4

            Del4_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del4_Name = Del_Name
            Del4_PI = Del_PI
            Del4_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del4_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del4_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del4_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del4_Achievements = Achievements
            Del4_Status = Status

                         If Del4_Nr = "" Then

    Del4_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del4_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del4_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del4_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del4_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del4_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del4_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del4_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del4_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del4_Nr.Visible = False
    Del4_Name.Visible = False
    Del4_PI.Visible = False
    Del4_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del4_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del4_End_month.Visible = False
    Del4_End_date.Visible = False
    Del4_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del4_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del4.Visible = False
    Update_Del4.Visible = False
      End If

        Case 5

            Del5_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del5_Name = Del_Name
            Del5_PI = Del_PI
            Del5_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del5_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del5_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del5_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del5_Achievements = Achievements
            Del5_Status = Status

         If Del5_Nr = "" Then

    Del5_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del5_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del5_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del5_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del5_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del5_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del5_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del5_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del5_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del5_Nr.Visible = False
    Del5_Name.Visible = False
    Del5_PI.Visible = False
    Del5_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del5_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del5_End_month.Visible = False
    Del5_End_date.Visible = False
    Del5_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del5_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del5.Visible = False
    Update_Del5.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 6

            Del6_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del6_Name = Del_Name
            Del6_PI = Del_PI
            Del6_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del6_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del6_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del6_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del6_Achievements = Achievements
            Del6_Status = Status

       If Del6_Nr = "" Then

    Del6_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del6_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del6_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del6_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del6_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del6_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del6_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del6_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del6_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del6_Nr.Visible = False
    Del6_Name.Visible = False
    Del6_PI.Visible = False
    Del6_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del6_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del6_End_month.Visible = False
    Del6_End_date.Visible = False
    Del6_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del6_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del6.Visible = False
    Update_Del6.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 7

            Del7_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del7_Name = Del_Name
            Del7_PI = Del_PI
            Del7_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del7_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del7_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del7_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del7_Achievements = Achievements
            Del7_Status = Status

                    If Del7_Nr = "" Then

    Del7_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del7_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del7_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del7_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del7_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del7_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del7_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del7_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del7_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del7_Nr.Visible = False
    Del7_Name.Visible = False
    Del7_PI.Visible = False
    Del7_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del7_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del7_End_month.Visible = False
    Del7_End_date.Visible = False
    Del7_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del7_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del7.Visible = False
    Update_Del7.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 8

            Del8_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del8_Name = Del_Name
            Del8_PI = Del_PI
            Del8_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del8_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del8_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del8_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del8_Achievements = Achievements
            Del8_Status = Status

                      If Del8_Nr = "" Then

    Del8_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del8_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del8_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del8_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del8_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del8_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del8_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del8_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del8_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del8_Nr.Visible = False
    Del8_Name.Visible = False
    Del8_PI.Visible = False
    Del8_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del8_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del8_End_month.Visible = False
    Del8_End_date.Visible = False
    Del8_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del8_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del8.Visible = False
    Update_Del8.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 9

            Del9_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del9_Name = Del_Name
            Del9_PI = Del_PI
            Del9_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del9_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del9_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del9_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del9_Achievements = Achievements
            Del9_Status = Status

             If Del9_Nr = "" Then

    Del9_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del9_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del9_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del9_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del9_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del9_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del9_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del9_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del9_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del9_Nr.Visible = False
    Del9_Name.Visible = False
    Del9_PI.Visible = False
    Del9_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del9_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del9_End_month.Visible = False
    Del9_End_date.Visible = False
    Del9_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del9_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del9.Visible = False
    Update_Del9.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 10

            Del10_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del10_Name = Del_Name
            Del10_PI = Del_PI
            Del10_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del10_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del10_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del10_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del10_Achievements = Achievements
            Del10_Status = Status

                   If Del10_Nr = "" Then

    Del10_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del10_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del10_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del10_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del10_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del10_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del10_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del10_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del10_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del10_Nr.Visible = False
    Del10_Name.Visible = False
    Del10_PI.Visible = False
    Del10_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del10_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del10_End_month.Visible = False
    Del10_End_date.Visible = False
    Del10_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del10_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del10.Visible = False
    Update_Del10.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 11

            Del11_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del11_Name = Del_Name
            Del11_PI = Del_PI
            Del11_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del11_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del11_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del11_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del11_Achievements = Achievements
            Del11_Status = Status

       If Del11_Nr = "" Then

    Del11_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del11_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del11_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del11_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del11_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del11_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del11_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del11_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del11_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del11_Nr.Visible = False
    Del11_Name.Visible = False
    Del11_PI.Visible = False
    Del11_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del11_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del11_End_month.Visible = False
    Del11_End_date.Visible = False
    Del11_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del11_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del11.Visible = False
    Update_Del11.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 12

            Del12_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del12_Name = Del_Name
            Del12_PI = Del_PI
            Del12_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del12_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del12_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del12_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del12_Achievements = Achievements
            Del12_Status = Status

        If Del12_Nr = "" Then

    Del12_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del12_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del12_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del12_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del12_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del12_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del12_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del12_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del12_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del12_Nr.Visible = False
    Del12_Name.Visible = False
    Del12_PI.Visible = False
    Del12_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del12_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del12_End_month.Visible = False
    Del12_End_date.Visible = False
    Del12_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del12_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del12.Visible = False
    Update_Del12.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 13

            Del13_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del13_Name = Del_Name
            Del13_PI = Del_PI
            Del13_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del13_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del13_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del13_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del13_Achievements = Achievements
            Del13_Status = Status

                                If Del13_Nr = "" Then

    Del13_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del13_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del13_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del13_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del13_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del13_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del13_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del13_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del13_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del13_Nr.Visible = False
    Del13_Name.Visible = False
    Del13_PI.Visible = False
    Del13_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del13_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del13_End_month.Visible = False
    Del13_End_date.Visible = False
    Del13_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del13_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del13.Visible = False
    Update_Del13.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 14

            Del14_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del14_Name = Del_Name
            Del14_PI = Del_PI
            Del14_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del14_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del14_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del14_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del14_Achievements = Achievements
            Del14_Status = Status

                      If Del14_Nr = "" Then

    Del14_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del14_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del14_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del14_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del14_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del14_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del14_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del14_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del14_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del14_Nr.Visible = False
    Del14_Name.Visible = False
    Del14_PI.Visible = False
    Del14_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del14_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del14_End_month.Visible = False
    Del14_End_date.Visible = False
    Del14_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del14_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del14.Visible = False
    Update_Del14.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 15

            Del15_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del15_Name = Del_Name
            Del15_PI = Del_PI
            Del15_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del15_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del15_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del15_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del15_Achievements = Achievements
            Del15_Status = Status

  If Del15_Nr = "" Then

    Del15_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del15_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del15_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del15_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del15_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del15_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del15_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del15_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del15_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del15_Nr.Visible = False
    Del15_Name.Visible = False
    Del15_PI.Visible = False
    Del15_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del15_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del15_End_month.Visible = False
    Del15_End_date.Visible = False
    Del15_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del15_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del15.Visible = False
    Update_Del15.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 16

            Del16_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del16_Name = Del_Name
            Del16_PI = Del_PI
            Del16_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del16_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del16_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del16_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del16_Achievements = Achievements
            Del16_Status = Status

                    If Del16_Nr = "" Then

    Del16_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del16_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del16_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del16_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del16_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del16_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del16_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del16_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del16_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del16_Nr.Visible = False
    Del16_Name.Visible = False
    Del16_PI.Visible = False
    Del16_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del16_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del16_End_month.Visible = False
    Del16_End_date.Visible = False
    Del16_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del16_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del16.Visible = False
    Update_Del16.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 17

            Del17_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del17_Name = Del_Name
            Del17_PI = Del_PI
            Del17_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del17_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del17_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del17_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del17_Achievements = Achievements
            Del17_Status = Status

                If Del17_Nr = "" Then

    Del17_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del17_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del17_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del17_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del17_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del17_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del17_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del17_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del17_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del17_Nr.Visible = False
    Del17_Name.Visible = False
    Del17_PI.Visible = False
    Del17_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del17_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del17_End_month.Visible = False
    Del17_End_date.Visible = False
    Del17_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del17_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del17.Visible = False
    Update_Del17.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 18

            Del18_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del18_Name = Del_Name
            Del18_PI = Del_PI
            Del18_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del18_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del18_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del18_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del18_Achievements = Achievements
            Del18_Status = Status

                       If Del18_Nr = "" Then

    Del18_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del18_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del18_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del18_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del18_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del18_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del18_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del18_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del18_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del18_Nr.Visible = False
    Del18_Name.Visible = False
    Del18_PI.Visible = False
    Del18_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del18_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del18_End_month.Visible = False
    Del18_End_date.Visible = False
    Del18_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del18_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del18.Visible = False
    Update_Del18.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 19

            Del19_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del19_Name = Del_Name
            Del19_PI = Del_PI
            Del19_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del19_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del19_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del19_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del19_Achievements = Achievements
            Del19_Status = Status

                   If Del19_Nr = "" Then

    Del19_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del19_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del19_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del19_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del19_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del19_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del19_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del19_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del19_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del19_Nr.Visible = False
    Del19_Name.Visible = False
    Del19_PI.Visible = False
    Del19_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del19_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del19_End_month.Visible = False
    Del19_End_date.Visible = False
    Del19_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del19_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del19.Visible = False
    Update_Del19.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

        Case 20

            Del20_Nr = Del_Nr
            Del20_Name = Del_Name
            Del20_PI = Del_PI
            Del20_Start_month = Del_Start_month
            Del20_Start_date = Del_Start_date
            Del20_End_month = Del_End_month
            Del20_End_date = Del_End_date
            Del20_Achievements = Achievements
            Del20_Status = Status

        If Del20_Nr = "" Then

    Del20_Nr_Label.Visible = False
    Del20_Name_Label.Visible = False
    Del20_PI_Label.Visible = False
    Del20_Start_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del20_Start_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del20_End_date_Label.Visible = False
    Del20_End_month_Label.Visible = False
    Del20_Achievements_Label.Visible = False
    Del20_Status_Label.Visible = False
    Del20_Nr.Visible = False
    Del20_Name.Visible = False
    Del20_PI.Visible = False
    Del20_Start_month.Visible = False
    Del20_Start_date.Visible = False
    Del20_End_month.Visible = False
    Del20_End_date.Visible = False
    Del20_Achievements.Visible = False
    Del20_Status.Visible = False
    Delete_Del20.Visible = False
    Update_Del20.Visible = False
MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight = MultiPage1.Pages(3).ScrollHeight - 69
      End If

    End Select


End Sub

Private Sub Insert_Deliverable_Click()

InsertDeliverable.Acronym = Acronym
InsertDeliverable.ProjectId = ProjectId
End Sub

Private Sub Del3_Start_month_Enter()
Del3_Start_month = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Del3_End_month_Enter()
Del3_End_month = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Del3_Achievements_Enter()
Del3_Achievements = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Update_Del3_Click()

Match = Application.Match(ProjectId & "_3", Worksheets("Deliverables").Columns("A"), 0)
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want updating deliverable " & Del3_Nr & " in line " & Match, vbYesNo, "Confirmation") = vbNo Then Exit Sub

Del3_Start_month = Replace(Del3_Start_month, "M ", "")
Del3_End_month = Replace(Del3_End_month, "M ", "")
Del3_Achievements = Replace(Del3_Achievements, "% Achieved", "")

DelNew_Start_date = DateAdd("m", Del3_Start_month - 1, StartDate)
DelNew_End_date = DateAdd("m", Del3_End_month, StartDate) - 1

Cells(Match, 4) = Del3_Nr
Cells(Match, 5) = Del3_Name
Cells(Match, 6) = Del3_PI
Cells(Match, 7) = Del3_Start_month
Cells(Match, 8) = DelNew_Start_date
Cells(Match, 9) = Del3_End_month
Cells(Match, 10) = DelNew_End_date
Cells(Match, 11) = Del3_Achievements

MultiPage1.Value = 3
End Sub

Private Sub Delete_Del3_Click()

Match = Application.Match(ProjectId & "_3", Worksheets("Deliverables").Columns("A"), 0)

If MsgBox("Are you sure you want deleting deliverable " & Del3_Nr & " in line " & Match, vbYesNo, "Confirmation") = vbNo Then Exit Sub

MultiPage1.Value = 3
End Sub
'                 FIN /  DELIVERABLES DU PROJET


Le mieux, fait un mini fichier (simple formulaire) avec ce qui pose souci afin qu'il puisse être tester sur l'ordi.

Car là c'est impossible.

Voila un fichier retraçant le soucis

j'ai réduit au max mais on voit le soucis

il y a 2% dans l'onglet mais quand on lance le form et que l'on met 2 dans achivement et que l'on clique sur l'icone verte pour effectuer l'update , le problème exact arrive...

merci par avance pour votre aide

3probleme.xlsm (41.10 Ko)

A nouveau,

J'ai téléchargé ton mini-fichier et le regarde sous peu.

A suivre...

Bonjour à tous,

Chez moi avec saisie ce 2% ça s'affiche dans la feuille, mais en texte, pas en nombre.

Et si tu inverses tes 2 lignes en écrivant d'abord la cellule:

Cells(Line, 5) = CDbl(Val(Del1_Achievements) / 100)
Del1_Achievements = Replace(Del1_Achievements, "% Achieved", "")

je converti en numérique et je recalcule que tu aies 2% sur saisie de 2 ou de 2%.


Edit : ah, désolé x cellus, je m'étais mis dessus

@ Eriiic,

Pas de souci, j'ai bien vu que dans les premières lignes du Private Sub le fait de contraindre le format pour l'affichage dans le textbox allait ressortir sur la feuille en format texte la cellule E2. Et lui faire perdre son format pourcentage.

Mais étonnament il affiche dans le menu Nombre Excel le critère Pourcentage.

Bon, de toute façon j'avais plutôt prévu de corriger cela demain. Trop sommeil.

A plus.

Bonjour Darkangel,

Rajoute en fin de ta ligne de code.

Cells(line, 5) = Dell_Acheviements & "%".

Ainsi tu forceras la cellule en % et non à rester en texte.

Bonne continuation.

Bonjour à vous deux,

j'ai tenté les différentes solutions

si j'ajoute la ligne Cells(Line, 5) = CDbl(Val(Del1_Achievements) / 100)

cela ne change rien au soucis

par contre si je mets comme proposé la ligne par X Cellus cela fonctionne bien

Cells(Line, 5) = Dell_Acheviements & "%"

merci à vous pour votre assitance!

je vais désormais implanter la solution dans mon fichier d'origine

je viens de tenter et cela fonctionne

merci à vous!

si j'ajoute la ligne Cells(Line, 5) = CDbl(Val(Del1_Achievements) / 100)

cela ne change rien au soucis

il faut bien sûr que la cellule soit au format pourcentage.


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