Compléter une clef étrangère sql

Bonjour j'ai un soucis, je travail sur excel vba. je créer une table et la remplie via du SQL

j'aimerai lier ma table Liste salarié a la nouvelle table que je créer.

Est-ce que je dois intégrer l'ID de la table que je créer (=clef E) a la table excel que je met sous SQL dans se cas dois-je passer par l'extraction de donnée access vers excel?

ou je peux faire une jointure de mes deux tables et dire " where nom_prénom table1 =nom-prénom table deux" et je recopie ID de table 1 sur ID table 2? (c'est la que je bloque je ne sais pas recopier ID table 1 vers ID table 2)

J'espere être assez précis... ci-joint mon code.

mes variables cnx etc sont des variables public que j'utilise dans d'autre module



Sub creertable()
Dim semaine%, num_colonne%, str$
Dim ladate As Date
ladate = Date
semaine = Format(ladate, "ww", vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays)

'On Error GoTo lastline:
'Définition du pilote de connexion en fonction de la version office
cnx.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
'Définition de la chaîne de connexion
cnx.ConnectionString = "monchemin"
'Ouverture de la base de données
cnx.Execute "DROP TABLE  S" & semaine
cnx.Execute "CREATE TABLE [S" & semaine & "](ID integer not null," & _
             "Nom_Prenom VARCHAR)" '& _
            " FOREIGN KEY(ID) REFERENCES liste_salarie(identifiant_salarie))"

With Sheets("Pointage")
cnx.Execute "ALTER TABLE [S" & semaine & "]" & _
            "ADD COLUMN Absences DATETIME," & _
            "  MIB_XFA  DATETIME," & _
            " M5K0 DATETIME," & _
            " M6 DATETIME," & _
            " BER DATETIME," & _
            " DELTA DATETIME," & _
            " 10T DATETIME," & _
            " MEYER1FINITION DATETIME," & _
            " PM3 DATETIME," & _
            " MEYER2 DATETIME," & _
            " AlpiJKT DATETIME," & _
            " C10_Tondeuse DATETIME," & _
             " C16 DATETIME," & _
             " C17 DATETIME," & _
             " C21 DATETIME," & _
             " TOYOTA DATETIME," & _
             " DEC10 DATETIME," & _
             " GRAHER DATETIME," & _
             " Thermocompression DATETIME," & _
             " Qualite DATETIME," & _
             " TriQualite_Reclamation_Client DATETIME," & _
             " TriQualite_facture_fournisseur DATETIME," & _
             " RemplacementSUP DATETIME," & _
             " VisiteMedical DATETIME"

cnx.Execute "ALTER TABLE [S" & semaine & "]" & _
            " ADD COLUMN Logistique DATETIME," & _
            " AiguillePRC6 DATETIME," & _
            " Cariste DATETIME," & _
            " Formation_ligne DATETIME," & _
            " Formation_org_ext DATETIME," & _
            " Formation_sprint DATETIME," & _
            " Essais DATETIME," & _
            " Reunion DATETIME," & _
            " Industrialisation DATETIME," & _
            " Bondesortie DATETIME," & _
            " Délégation DATETIME"

      For x = 30 To Range("WZ30").End(xlDown).Row - 1
      str = "INSERT INTO S" & semaine & _
            " VALUES(" & .Cells(x, 624) & "','" & .Cells(x, 625) & "','" & .Cells(x, 626) & "','" & _
            Cells(x, 627) & "','" & Cells(x, 628) & "','" & Cells(x, 629) & "','" & _
            Cells(x, 630) & "','" & Cells(x, 631) & "','" & Cells(x, 632) & "','" & _
            Cells(x, 633) & "','" & Cells(x, 634) & "','" & Cells(x, 635) & "','" & _
            Cells(x, 636) & "','" & Cells(x, 637) & "','" & Cells(x, 638) & "','" & _
            Cells(x, 639) & "','" & Cells(x, 640) & "','" & Cells(x, 641) & "','" & _
            Cells(x, 642) & "','" & Cells(x, 643) & "','" & Cells(x, 644) & "','" & _
            Cells(x, 645) & "','" & Cells(x, 646) & "','" & Cells(x, 647) & "','" & _
            Cells(x, 648) & "','" & Cells(x, 649) & "','" & Cells(x, 650) & "','" & _
            Cells(x, 651) & "','" & Cells(x, 652) & "','" & Cells(x, 653) & "','" & _
            Cells(x, 654) & "','" & Cells(x, 655) & "','" & Cells(x, 656) & "','" & _
            Cells(x, 657) & "','" & Cells(x, 658) & "','" & Cells(x, 659) & "')"
    cnx.Execute str, dbFailOnerror

       End With
cnx.Execute "DROP TABLE  S" & semaine
Set cnx = Nothing
Exit Sub
cnx.Execute "DROP TABLE  S" & semaine
Set cnx = Nothing
End Sub
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