Utilisation de SumIfs avec des array comme plage

Option Compare Text
Sub SousTotalNonTriéTotCol()
  Set f = Sheets("BD")
  Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Tble = Range("A2:E" & [a65000].End(xlUp).Row)                         ' Table entrée
  Dim TblS(): ReDim TblS(1 To UBound(Tble), 1 To UBound(Tble, 2))       ' Table sortie
  For i = LBound(Tble) To UBound(Tble)
   If Tble(i, 2) = "Card recharge completion" And Tble(i, 3) = "yes" Then
     If d.Exists(Tble(i, 1)) Then
       lig = d(Tble(i, 1))              ' Récupération index TblS()
       d(Tble(i, 1)) = d.Count + 1: lig = d.Count: TblS(lig, 1) = Tble(i, 1): TblS(lig, 2) = Tble(i, 2)
     End If
     For c = 4 To UBound(Tble, 2)        ' Totalisation numérique
       If Tble(i, c) <> "" Then
         TblS(lig, c - 1) = TblS(lig, c - 1) + CDbl(Tble(i, c))
       End If
     Next c
   End If
  Next i
  f.[N2].Resize(d.Count, UBound(TblS, 2) - 1) = TblS
End Sub


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