Alleger VBA


j'ai fini mon vba mais lors de mon traitement "controle" cela met beaucoup de temps.

C'est lorsqu'il rempli un tableau que cela ralenti

N'étant pas un pro du vba je demande un petit coup de main

Sub controle()

    Dim source As Range
    Dim dest As Variant
    Dim index_row As Integer
    Dim index_row_dest As Integer
    Dim op As String
    Dim controleur As String
    Dim date_controle As Date
    Dim numcmd As String
    Dim vol As String
    Dim mel As String
    Dim qtéctrl As Integer
    Dim qtémauv As Integer
    Dim typdef As String
    Dim obs As String
    Dim ctrltr As String
    Dim ctrlcen As String
    Dim mille As String
    Dim client As String
    Dim filtreclient As String

    If Range("A2").Value <> "" Then
        Set source = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole")
        Set dest = Me.L_controle

        dest.ColumnCount = 14
        index_row_dest = 0

        For index_row = 1 To source.Rows.Count
                date_controle = Format(source.Cells(index_row, 1))
                controleur = source.Cells(index_row, 2)
                numcmd = source.Cells(index_row, 3)
                vol = source.Cells(index_row, 4)
                mel = source.Cells(index_row, 5)
                op = source.Cells(index_row, 6)
                qtéctrl = source.Cells(index_row, 7)
                qtémauv = source.Cells(index_row, 8)
                typdef = source.Cells(index_row, 9)
                obs = source.Cells(index_row, 10)
                ctrltr = source.Cells(index_row, 11)
                ctrlcen = source.Cells(index_row, 12)
                mille = source.Cells(index_row, 13)
                client = source.Cells(index_row, 14)

                If C_filtreop = "" Or C_filtreop = op Then
                    If C_filtrevol = "" Or C_filtrevol = vol Then
                        If C_filtrmel = "" Or C_filtrmel = mel Then
                            If C_filtreclient = "" Or C_filtreclient = client Then

                            Dim TblE()
                            If Me.L_controle.ListCount > 0 Then
                                TblE = Me.L_controle.Column
                                n = Me.L_controle.ListCount
                                ReDim Preserve TblE(0 To 13, 0 To n)
                                n = 0: ReDim TblE(0 To 13, 0 To n)
                            End If
                            TblE(0, n) = date_controle
                            TblE(1, n) = controleur
                            TblE(2, n) = numcmd
                            TblE(3, n) = vol
                            TblE(4, n) = mel
                            TblE(5, n) = op
                            TblE(6, n) = qtéctrl
                            TblE(7, n) = qtémauv
                            TblE(8, n) = typdef
                            TblE(9, n) = obs
                            TblE(10, n) = ctrltr
                            TblE(11, n) = ctrlcen
                            TblE(12, n) = mille
                            TblE(13, n) = client
                            Me.L_controle.Column = TblE

                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If

            index_row_dest = index_row_dest + 1
            Next index_row

        End If

End Sub



En admettant que j'aie compris la demande ...

Si le but de ta procédure "controle" est de recopier l’entièreté des données présentes dans la feuille "controle", le plus simple est sans doute de remplacer tout le code de cette Sub par quelque chose comme:

Sub controle()
    tablo = Sheets("controle").Range("Tableaucontrole")
    Me.L_controle.List = tablo
End Sub

... sans oublier de définir la propriété ColumnCount de la ListBox à 14

je déclare comment "tableau" en objet?



Dim tablo()

devrait faire l'affaire (plus d'Excel sous la main pour l'instant ... à tester, donc)

lors de l'execution il me dit incompatibilité de type.

J'ai donc essayé en remplacant tout par ce qu'on a mis dans "tableau"

Sub controle()

    Dim source As Range
    Dim dest As Variant
    Dim index_row As Integer
    Dim index_row_dest As Integer
    Dim op As String
    Dim controleur As String
    Dim date_controle As Date
    Dim numcmd As String
    Dim vol As String
    Dim mel As String
    Dim qtéctrl As Integer
    Dim qtémauv As Integer
    Dim typdef As String
    Dim obs As String
    Dim ctrltr As String
    Dim ctrlcen As String
    Dim mille As String
    Dim client As String
    Dim filtreclient As String
    Dim filtreop_ok As Boolean
    Dim filtrevol_ok As Boolean
    Dim filtremel_ok As Boolean
    Dim filtreclient_ok As Boolean
    Dim tableau()

    If Range("A2").Value <> "" Then

        Me.L_controle.ColumnCount = 14
        index_row_dest = 0

        For index_row = 1 To Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Rows.Count
                date_controle = Format(Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 1))
                controleur = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 2)
                numcmd = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 3)
                vol = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 4)
                mel = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 5)
                op = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 6)
                qtéctrl = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 7)
                qtémauv = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 8)
                typdef = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 9)
                obs = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 10)
                ctrltr = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 11)
                ctrlcen = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 12)
                mille = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 13)
                client = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Cells(index_row, 14)

                If C_filtreop = "" Or C_filtreop = op Then
                    If C_filtrevol = "" Or C_filtrevol = vol Then
                        If C_filtrmel = "" Or C_filtrmel = mel Then
                            If C_filtreclient = "" Or C_filtreclient = client Then

                            Dim TblE()
                            If Me.L_controle.ListCount > 0 Then
                                TblE = Me.L_controle.Column
                                n = Me.L_controle.ListCount
                                ReDim Preserve TblE(0 To 13, 0 To n)
                                n = 0: ReDim TblE(0 To 13, 0 To n)
                            End If

                            TblE(0, n) = date_controle
                            TblE(1, n) = controleur
                            TblE(2, n) = numcmd
                            TblE(3, n) = vol
                            TblE(4, n) = mel
                            TblE(5, n) = op
                            TblE(6, n) = qtéctrl
                            TblE(7, n) = qtémauv
                            TblE(8, n) = typdef
                            TblE(9, n) = obs
                            TblE(10, n) = ctrltr
                            TblE(11, n) = ctrlcen
                            TblE(12, n) = mille
                            TblE(13, n) = client
                            Me.L_controle.Column = TblE

                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If

            index_row_dest = index_row_dest + 1
            Next index_row

        End If

End Sub

mais toujours aussi long


Ceci fonctionne chez moi:

Sub controle()
    Dim tablo()
    tablo = Sheets("controle").Range("Tableaucontrole").Value
    Me.L_controle.List = tablo
End Sub

j'ai fait différemment et ça va cent fois mieux

Sub controle()

    Dim source As Range
    Dim dest As Variant
    Dim index_row As Integer
    Dim index_row_dest As Integer
    Dim op As String
    Dim controleur As String
    Dim date_controle As Date
    Dim numcmd As String
    Dim vol As String
    Dim mel As String
    Dim qtéctrl As Integer
    Dim qtémauv As Integer
    Dim typdef As String
    Dim obs As String
    Dim ctrltr As String
    Dim ctrlcen As String
    Dim mille As String
    Dim client As String
    Dim filtreclient As String
    Dim filtreop_ok As Boolean
    Dim filtrevol_ok As Boolean
    Dim filtremel_ok As Boolean
    Dim filtreclient_ok As Boolean
    Dim tableau()

    If Range("A2").Value <> "" Then

        Set source = Sheets("Controle").Range("Tableaucontrole")
        Set dest = Me.L_controle

        dest.ColumnCount = 14
        index_row_dest = 0

        'on lit la source

        For index_row = 1 To source.Rows.Count
                date_controle = Format(source.Cells(index_row, 1))
                controleur = source.Cells(index_row, 2)
                numcmd = source.Cells(index_row, 3)
                vol = source.Cells(index_row, 4)
                mel = source.Cells(index_row, 5)
                op = source.Cells(index_row, 6)
                qtéctrl = source.Cells(index_row, 7)
                qtémauv = source.Cells(index_row, 8)
                typdef = source.Cells(index_row, 9)
                obs = source.Cells(index_row, 10)
                ctrltr = source.Cells(index_row, 11)
                ctrlcen = source.Cells(index_row, 12)
                mille = source.Cells(index_row, 13)
                client = source.Cells(index_row, 14)

                'on test les criteres de selection
                filtreop_ok = False
                If C_filtreop = "" Or C_filtreop = op Then
                filtreop_ok = True
                End If

                filtrevol_ok = False
                If C_filtrevol = "" Or C_filtrevol = vol Then
                filtrevol_ok = True
                End If

                filtremel_ok = False
                If C_filtrmel = "" Or C_filtrmel = mel Then
                filtremel_ok = True
                End If

                filtreclient_ok = False
                If C_filtreclient = "" Or C_filtreclient = client Then
                filtreclient_ok = True
                End If

                'si tous les criteres sont bon on écrit dans le tableau

                If filtreop_ok = True And filtrevol_ok = True And filtremel_ok = True And filtreclient_ok = True Then

                            dest.List(index_row_dest, 0) = date_controle
                            dest.List(index_row_dest, 1) = controleur
                            dest.List(index_row_dest, 2) = numcmd
                            dest.List(index_row_dest, 3) = vol
                            dest.List(index_row_dest, 4) = mel
                            dest.List(index_row_dest, 5) = op
                            dest.List(index_row_dest, 6) = qtéctrl
                            dest.List(index_row_dest, 7) = qtémauv
                            dest.List(index_row_dest, 8) = typdef
                            dest.List(index_row_dest, 9) = obs
                            'dest.List(index_row_dest, 10) = ctrltr
                            'dest.List(index_row_dest, 11) = ctrlcen
                            'dest.List(index_row_dest, 12) = mille
                            'dest.List(index_row_dest, 13) = client

                            index_row_dest = index_row_dest + 1
                End If

            Next index_row

        End If

End Sub

par contre j'ai mis ces lignes en commentaires car ça bug et je ne sais pas pourquoi

                         'dest.List(index_row_dest, 10) = ctrltr
                            'dest.List(index_row_dest, 11) = ctrlcen
                            'dest.List(index_row_dest, 12) = mille
                            'dest.List(index_row_dest, 13) = client

il me dit "Erreur : Impossible de définir la propriété List. Index de table de propriétés non valide"

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